Weekly Exercise Summary

2nd edition of my weekly exercise summary!

Running 🏃‍♂️


  • I’m trying to do more of a speed workout on Mondays now, so will try to hit 2 mins of walking + 8 mins of running but with increasing speeds on the run portion. Did 1.2 miles, 0.2 were walking/warming up.


  • New distance PR alert!!I wanted to do a 2 mile push next week, but I felt really good around 1.6 miles so decided to go for it! I ran for about 1.75-1.8 of those miles which I’m really proud of!

weights 🏋️‍♂️


  • Did the usual HASFit video, but pushed myself to use the 20 lb weights for more of the exercises. Was pretty tough, but made it through! I’m starting to notice good development of my arms and legs muscle-wise which is really really encouraging.